Unicorn Journey, Activation & Attunement

Have you been wanting to meet your unicorn guide(s) and/or wish you spoke unicorn dialect and embody the unicorn energy?

If you’ve answered YES to one or both, then this session is for you!

* You must be activated with light language or your soul dialect in order to participate  


This one on one private Zoom session will include:

  • Energetic clearing & remembrance activation
  • Guided journey to meet your unicorn guide(s)
  • Activate and attune to your unicorn dialect(s)
  • Opportunity to practice

Lily will first clear energetic blocks you may be storing in your cells and bring in source codes to activate your remembrance.  She'll then walk you through a guided meditation to meet your unicorn guide(s) followed by attuning you to the grounding yet powerfully uplifting Unipeg energy, bringing in activation light codes to allow you to attune and calibrate to their vibration and activate your unicorn dialect.

What to Bring:

  • water to drink;
  • pencil crayon/crayon/pencil and paper to draw your unicorn guide or images you see;
  • journal or paper to write down messages or description of your unicorn guide that may come through;
  • selenite, clear quartz, Andora or any other crystals you’d like

You will automatically receive your zoom link as soon as purchase has been made.

Make sure you’re in a quiet environment with good Wifi connection.


What You Might Experience During a Session:

We will be shifting lots of energy during this session so it is common to experience some of these physical sensations: 

- Feeling tingles all over the body (energy moving through the body), similar to ASMR sensations

- Feeling abnormally hot or cold

- Feeling strange sensations in the body such as twitching, pulsating

You may also experience these physical releases:

- Yawning

- Crying

- Shaking

- Sweating

- Sneezing

- Coughing

- Farting

- Dancing

- Laughing

- and others

All of these are normal and highly encouraged since these help your body transmute and release any dense energy that are no longer serving you and make room for new light codes to settle in and support you moving forward.

You might also receive message from your guides or spirits or even see visual images

Most importantly, remember to be playful and have fun! 


Who is Lily Li?

Lily is a Master Light Coder, Light Language / Soul Dialect Activator and quantum healer.  She works with her multidimensional galactic Higher Selves, your Higher Selves and Source to assist your highest evolution and transformation. 



- lily@lilyli.jewelry




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